Amazon Pics Part 61

Earlier images, not yet re-categorized. All subject types. Not for new images.

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Amazon Pics Part 61

Post by Moebius »

Only a couple more days left on the Amazon riverbank pictures.

I don't think I have shown these next two:




Ken Nelson
Canon 30D
Sigma 150mm

Posts: 3578
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:19 am
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Post by beetleman »

The first picture is simply stunning Ken. Not only a really beautifull butterfly plus two red butterflys but (looks like) six black and yellow bees and one metallic green bee :shock: . Lots going on in this wonderful picture. I want a car painted that yellow-green gradiant color :smt023 . In The other two, it looks like they like the wet ashes from a fire (looks like charcoal).
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

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