Another Egg!!!! on a string (no ID)

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Another Egg!!!! on a string (no ID)

Post by Adrian »

I found this one today here in singapore... another egg, No idea what it is, This one is very interesting too

The Egg is sized at 5mm.

The String attached to the egg sizes in at 2 inches long, attached to the end of a leaf.

Full image.


Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

A rather odd looking egg there Adrian. Seems as though I saw a photograph of something like this, on a very much larger scale of course, hanging by a chain in a tower, in the desert areas of New Mexico, at one time back in the late 1940's. "Fat Boy" I believe it was called. :-k :roll:

Nice image of the egg Adrian, wonder what insect it belongs to? :D

Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

Another interesting post Adrian and well photographed too.

I wonder if it might be a pupa - of an exotic diptera species maybe?


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Post by beetleman »

Outstanding find Adrian, very interesting looking little subject. I wonder if it could be some kind of tropical Lacewing. The green lacewings here in the USA lay eggs on stalks.
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Doug Breda

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Post by rjlittlefield »

At 5 mm, I'm voting for another fly. I've seen fly pupae that looked almost exactly like this, except that they weren't hanging from a single strand of silk as this one appears to be. But that shouldn't be any great trick, seeing as how a fly larva doesn't have to shed its skin to become a pupa. The last larval skin just hardens in place to become the puparium -- no molt required.


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Post by Adrian »

Ken, tried to look for a picture of that fat boy as it sounds interesting, cant find any though :lol: Thanks

Thanks Bruce, i put in alot of effort/citque myself to hell, take heaps of photos, experiment, fail lots to learn and then suceed, in attempt to make my photographs more visually pleasing

Doug did some research there is a "Malay Lacewing" that is common in Singapore couldnt find any information on there eggs though, Thanks.

Thanks Rik, i have no idea what it is hehe or what it could be

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