Amazon Pics Part 48

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Amazon Pics Part 48

Post by Moebius »

Another fly


Torn between these two shots. I clipped the leg in the lower left on the first one. These were small, ~1cm. Preference?



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Re: Amazon Pics Part 48

Post by rjlittlefield »

Moebius wrote:Preference?
The middle pic, definitely. It strikes me right off as being more up-beat, more positive, more encouraging. And why on earth would that be? I think it's the slope of line. I've looked at so many graphs over the years that I'm practically hardwired to interpret up-to-the-right as meaning "growing", down-to-the-right as "declining". Sounds analytic, feels visceral!


PS. I also prefer that there's more detail in the middle pic (compared to the bottom), and that the bugs are not slightly hidden by the leaf. But that's second reaction, not first.

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Post by beetleman »

Gee, "Now that you pointed that out to me Rik" everytime I look at the pictures, #2 is upbeat and #2 is down (can`t get it out of my head now LOL) :lol: . The fly is just spactular Ken...very well dressed and sharp as a razor and another one of your AWESOME leafhoppers.
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