Amazon Pics Part 43

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Amazon Pics Part 43

Post by Moebius »

Another, different long-legged fly


A couple others



I think the last one illustrates Doug's comments earlier this week about the leg-waving behavior often seen in long-legged flies. I believe this one is either doing that, or waving to the camera, not sure which.

(hey, wait a he flipping me off?) :evil:

Ken Nelson
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Canon 30D

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Post by beetleman »

I am running out of things to say about your pictures Ken :shock: The flies seem to like blowing liquid bubbles also. I have seen that before. When I took my fly pictures, I thought that they were wasps because of the flicking legs. Some wasps move their antennae very fast. Beautiful photos.
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

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Post by Moebius »

Thanks for the comments, Doug.

Actually, I believe the first fly is not actually blowing a bubble; that is just how big it's mouth parts are. I just checked the full resolution image and I can clearly see this.

Perhaps I am getting spoiled with the wealth of photos I got down there Doug, but the more I look at/process them, the unhappier I am with the photos. "if only" this and "if only" that. In particular, I wished I hadn't underexposed them so much. I wished I had tried higher ISO's and/or wider apertures to correct for this. Inexperience on my part. Some nice images, but they could be so much better if only....


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Post by Danny »

You remind me of another of my favourite macro shooters with details, colours and lighting like this Ken, amazing and always beautiful to see. Great captures and shots like this fascinate me. Excellent !!!!

All the best way up north :D

Worry about the image that comes out of the box, rather than the box itself.

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