Still useful, even empty....

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Mike B in OKlahoma
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Still useful, even empty....

Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »


This leaf-nosed viper spends a lot of his time with most of his body buried in the sand. This provides good camoflauge from predators and prey, but he has to come out sometime! When he does, if he remains in the area, the after effects of his burial are still useful, as this shot shows. The empty hole he leaves behind mimics his body shape, and has to throw off a predator a little bit. And his flat back holds some of the remaining sand over his body where it camoflauges nicely.

Leaf-nosed viper
180mm macro lens
captive situation
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Constructive critiques of my pictures, and reposts in this forum for purposes of critique are welcome

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Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

Nice photo and interesting information Mike. I know sometimes you take photos in zoos - is this fellow out in the wild?


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Post by beetleman »

great photo Mike...I love the way snakes move in the sand :wink:
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Doug Breda

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Post by Danny »

A very gentle blend of separating here Mike, just shows excellent lighting to achieve that. I've tried close colours like this to separate and can't get even close to this. Pat yourself on the back M8t, great work and shot sir :wink:

Worry about the image that comes out of the box, rather than the box itself.

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