Ten foot lady seeks dinner companion!

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Mike B in OKlahoma
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Ten foot lady seeks dinner companion!

Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »


Guys, if you're looking for a dinner date, this tall lady is eager to oblige! She's already testing the air to see if you are edible. Don't hesitate, give her a call....But make sure your affairs are in order before you go!

Actually, I suspect this green anaconda is much too small to eat a human, but it makes for a good story. She's larger than her ten feet would indicate--Anacondas have VERY thick bodies in comparison to their length. She'll soon be ready to shed her skin, as you can see by looking at how the modified scales that protect her eyes are getting opaque.

Green anaconda
180mm macro lens
controlled situation
Last edited by Mike B in OKlahoma on Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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Re: Twelve foot lady seeks dinner companion!

Post by MacroLuv »

Mike B in OKlahoma wrote:...Actually, I suspect this green anaconda is much too small to eat a human...
Very consoling, but how about strangle? :shock: Strangle - love lady.
Opaque eyes. Better to be "controlled situation". :lol:
Is shed skin of any usage? A pair of good boots? O:)
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errors are welcome. :D

Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

Really nice photo Mike. Love the subtle colours in the skin and interesting textures in both the skin and the tongue. A photo worth taking time to REALLY look at.

...and thanks to you I now have two new bits of "did you know" information to casually let drop when next the party conversation gets round to "snakes". (1) Snakes eyes are protected by (usually) transparent, modified scales and (2) If their eyes look opaque then chances are they're about to shed their skin. :D


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Post by Danny »

Heck, why not get right in there Mike :D , excellent details and work.

All the best Mike, give her milk and run :wink:

Worry about the image that comes out of the box, rather than the box itself.

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Post by Moebius »

We were on the lookout for one of these in the amazon. Weren't commonly in the swampy habitat, but we did see one hacked to pieces rotting on the shore while fishing for peacock bass. Hard to estimate the length, but I can tell you the diameter was roughly 10-12 inches...so it was a big one. Turns out the fishermen got in caught in one of their nets and were afraid for their own safety. Very sad to see.


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Post by beetleman »

Very nice closeup Mike. Like Bruce said..It takes a while to look at all the interesting things in the picture...even the pebbles are cool looking IMO :wink:
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