Kinder Surprise

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Kinder Surprise

Post by Carl_Constantine »

Got a Kinder Surpise in my stocking for Christmas. These little things make great macro subjects.



The second one is the better of the two. A little USM applied to both images to clean them up a titch. These are full frame, no cropping.
Carl B. Constantine

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Post by rjlittlefield »

Interesting pics, Carl! Stocking-stuffers are great fun. :D

Is it halftone printing that makes the fine pattern I see on the helmet, the hat, and the Saloon sign? If so, then that's a great indication that you're getting good resolution & focus in those areas. What was your lens setup for these?


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Post by Carl_Constantine »

rjlittlefield wrote:Interesting pics, Carl! Stocking-stuffers are great fun. :D

Is it halftone printing that makes the fine pattern I see on the helmet, the hat, and the Saloon sign? If so, then that's a great indication that you're getting good resolution & focus in those areas. What was your lens setup for these?

Yes, You don't really see it until you get up close. I'm going to post a couple more pics of other objects without stickers tomorrow.

This is my 18-55mm with the +4+2+1 close up lenses on it. The focus isn't that great though as you can see by the blurryness in the astronaught image in particular. But, I'm still practicing :-)
Carl B. Constantine

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Post by DaveW »


"Got a Kinder Surpise in my stocking for Christmas."

Hang up a bigger stocking next time then and you may get an adult surprise! :D

DaveW :lol:

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Post by beetleman »

I am starting to see a lot of things that would make great macro shots. Keep it Up Carl :smt023
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Been trying to think along the same lines as you Carl but so far I am at loss for subjects, I need your imagination. :wink: Great pics! :D

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Post by rjlittlefield »

Carl_Constantine wrote:The focus isn't that great though as you can see by the blurryness in the astronaught image in particular.
DOF at these magnifications gets very shallow. The fact that you're getting fairly crisp resolution of the half-tone pattern, well away from image center, indicates that your close-up lenses are working OK. Try stopping down some more.

Looking good -- keep it up!


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