Unexpected Resident in a cave

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Mike B in OKlahoma
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Unexpected Resident in a cave

Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »


Since Rik posted a water louse, maybe we can get a roll going here....Here's MY water louse shot. This guy was a resident of Krizna Jama, the cave in Slovenia that I visited. This was a VERY hasty shot, practically a snapshot, as I was short on time and didn't want to use a flash in this extremely dark part of the cave (partly so I wouldn't blind EVERYONE, partly because I am actually shooting through a bit of water to get this guy and I suspected I'd have reflection problems. Do note the technicals here....

Water louse <?>
about 1/4x
180mm macro lens
1/60th second @ f/8
ISO 800
Headlamp light
handheld <!> braced on knees
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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Post by MacroLuv »

Hmmm... feeding on what in a cave? :-k No plants inside, too dark even for algae. Maybe rotting bat's dung? Isn't it too strong and over-energized? :lol:

Water louse Asellus aquaticus in Postojna Caves.

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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Even under difficult conditions there Mike, you still got a pretty good shot of it. I would imagine that it feeds on bacteria and some forms of protozoa. :D

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Post by beetleman »

Great shot under tuff conditions Mike..very interesting creature also.
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