A couple of dragons

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A couple of dragons

Post by puzzledpaul »


From Sept - when yellow orb was still around :)
Back garden 200mm macro.


Slightly different variety ...
One of the 20-30 shapes I used to cut when making 3D / Multilayer puzzles some yrs ago - using a fret (scoll) saw.

All reclaimed timber - this is cut from an Afrormosia floor block.
Main puzzle grid based on approx 10mm squares and long fang about 5mm.
Each piece cut, removed and individually turned then separated by a dovetail (larger shapes going up to 4 interlocking layers) cut.


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Post by Moebius »

Beautiful image on the first, beautifil craftsmanship on the second. I can't even cut a 2x4 with a straight edge, let alone imagine cutting out that puzzle.

Each piece is approximately only 1 cm square?


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Post by puzzledpaul »

Ken - Thx for (both) comments :)

Yes, the block I removed is 1cm square - actually, a tad under and about 13mm thick. Most of what I made was based on 15mm grid, but had to use v.hard, fine grained timber for this - and the floor blocks governed the size.

Finished puzzle is 15mm thick, 'cos I sliced off a 2+mm chunk from the back before cutting its guts out for the puzzle pieces (then cleaned it and glued it back on)

Think the (eye) drill dia was 1.2mm (from memory) btw.

Overall, it's 60h x 110long - so item is approx. 60% of image size (on my screen).

Don't think I'd be cutting 2x4's either with the m/c I used to use for these - blades are only about 0.2mm thick :)


Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Not only do you take nice photographs but you make some interesting puzzles as well, impressive. :D

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Post by beetleman »

Excellent on both pictures Paul. I love whatever that is on the top of the stick the dragonfly is on. For some reason it adds to the picture IMO. Just a big "WOW on the wood puzzle.
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