Some pics (finally) from the Amazon

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Some pics (finally) from the Amazon

Post by Moebius »

I went to Peru late last July to spend 2 weeks in the Rainforest near Iquitos. I took a large number of macro's, but am just now beginning the daunting task of processing them all. I am about 1/6 done, and I thought I would just share a few each day or so.

As expected, lighting conditions down there were poor, and I wished I had had the photographic experience to have used larger apertures down there (rarely went below f11). However, the dark cast most of the pics have I think is representative of how they look down there, so I am still pleased with the results.

Don't/won't have any id's on these guys




The bottom butterfly actually has transparent wings, but tough to see in this photograph. Was nearing dusk, making lighting even more challenging.

More to come....

Ken Nelson
Canon 30D
Sigma 150mm Macro
Last edited by Moebius on Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by MacroLuv »

Very nice! :D
Interesting creatures. This butterfly sticked proboscis into something that isn't flower. :shock:
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Post by Moebius »

Yes, that is certainly not a flower. Reminds me of the time I was out with my daughter, who must have been about 10 at the time. We were out photographing insects and for some reason I was a constant attraction to a certain type of brown butterfly. My daughter was amazed that the butterflies would land on me and stick out their tongues and be content to just sit there. At times I would have several on me at once.

However, my pride was shattered about a 1/4 mile up the path; there was a huge congregation of these same butterflies on a large pile of....dung. The smile disappeared off of my face and my daughter burst out laughing....

Ken Nelson

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Post by beetleman »

What a cute story about your daughter Ken :lol: I love all three pictures. I don`t think they are dark at all IMO. I love those big eyes on the hopper :wink: Looking forward to more..more...more :D
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Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

You have some interesting pics there Ken. I like all three for different reasons but was particularly taken by the armoured caterpillar with the hairy feet - he's not taking any chances with the local birdlife.

Look forward to seeing some more photos from your trip.


Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

I agree, all three are really great but I like the cat and the butterfly the best. Yes indeed, lets see more as you progress. :D

Mike B in OKlahoma
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Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

Very cool, like Bruce I am most taken by the caterpillar. I assume he is highly irritating? Hopeyou didn't get a chance to find out.

I seem to remember a discussion about camera issues on your trip. I'd be very interested to hear a report of what if any camera trouble you had from the humidity, what precautions you took, what worked, and what didn't. I don't ask for much, do I? :-)
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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Post by Moebius »

Mike, I discussed this in my latest post in this forum, "Amazon pics Part 2"


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