Salt water ciliate, psychedelic salt water

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Charles Krebs
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Salt water ciliate, psychedelic salt water

Post by Charles Krebs »

Was going through a sample of salt water from Puget Sound. So far I have only looked closely at salt water samples a couple times, and so there were many specimens that were "new" to me. For some (unfounded) reason I don't expect to find ciliates so similar to the ones I am accustomed to seeing in freshwater, but they are certainly there.

And when the salt water starts drying up on the edge of the coverslip it's hard not to go a little "'60's" :wink:



Wolfgang Bettighofer
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Re: Salt water ciliate, psychedelic salt water

Post by Wolfgang Bettighofer »

Hi Charles,

this ciliat surely preferred diatoms. Did you see the oral apparatus?

So long, Wolfgang

Posts: 3578
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Post by beetleman »

Yep, saltwater is an untapped source for specimens in the forums...we need more!!! WOW
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