Hi everyone,
I'm a marine biologist working from the Swedish West coast. I mostly work on invertebrates diversity, and spend a lot of time doing both macro and micro photography both for work and for fun. Well, I definitely do much more photography than strictly required by work anyway .
I've recently started posting a few pictures of live subjects here:
I guess I take also a lot of pictures of preserved specimens, but while it is more challenging in many ways, they are not as showy or charismatic...
I'm looking forward exchanging with you, learning from everyone here and getting tips and advice to improve my setups and techniques.
Hello from Sweden
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Re: Hello from Sweden
Maël, welcome to the forum.
You have first class images at your Flickr gallery.
You have first class images at your Flickr gallery.
Re: Hello from Sweden
Really great photos! Several of us on this forum are especially interested in macro photography through water. I look forward to hearing about some of your tips and methods.