A7Rm4 pixel shifting failure

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A7Rm4 pixel shifting failure

Post by ray_parkhurst »

I was hopeful that I'd be able to complete a pixel-shifted focus stack and shift using Sony Imaging Edge, but alas it was not to be. I had a variety Cent that I wanted to publish on EasyZoom. I'm doing a simple 2-tile stitching, and the DOF with 95PN requires ~30 shots in each stack. So total of 4 stacks, 2 each for obverse and reverse of the coin. Then stitch together, and publish. Does not sound that complicated...

I shot the 4 stacks, with 4 pixel-shifted images per stack component image, total of 480 .ARW images. No problem. Then I converted the 120 .ARW images for each stack into 30 .ARQ images. Again no problem. But then I needed to adjust each of the .ARQ images to reduce the sharpening, and I can't find a batch function in Imaging Edge to apply this, so each image must be adjusted separately. That was the showstopper.

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Re: A7Rm4 pixel shifting failure

Post by FotoChris »

You could use Lightroom to edit/adjust the ARQ files.

I'm not 100% sure but it could be possible to use the Adobe DNG Converter to convert the ARQ files into DNG files which then could be read by just about any image editing software (for example CaptureOne). If that works you could also use Helicon Focus to stack the ARQ files directly and output them to a DNG file, retaining the sharpness adjustability even after the stack is done.

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